

阅读: 64次 发表于:2023-01-01 15:07

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nARRATOR:旁白:table tennis is more commonly known as ping-pong.桌上网球是乒乓球的冷僻叫法。folding table-tennis tables are popular in homes and kept outdoors because they can be closed up and rolled out of the way.折叠式乒乓球桌实属居家必备球具,还可以放在户外,合上卷起来不挡道。these tables can also fold down on just one side,allowing for solo play.这种桌子还可以折叠成单面,以便单独练球。[ upbeat tune plays ][欢快的调子播放]


在OPCW出现的最初10多年里,主要存在以欧洲生产商为代表的松套结构和以日本生产商为代表的铝骨架式紧套结构两大广义上划分的OPGW类型。由于铝骨架式紧套结构OPCW对光纤的强度要求非常高,通常在日本采用弹性良好但价格昂贵的硅玻璃光纤,由于成本高,在其他国家的应用越来越少。除日本之外的其他国家基本上都采用松套结构的OPCW,总体可分为松套铝管式和不锈钢管式两种结构,这两种结构占据了世界90%以上的市场。就松套铝管结构而言,又可分为挤包式铝管和焊接式铝管两种结构。仍需指出本文中的挤包式无缝铝管有着优良的抗电化学腐蚀和耐雷击性能。an automated milling machine makes miter cuts,which allow the tubes to be made into rectangles.自动铣床将其斜切(进行人字形切割),这样就可以把铝管加工成长方形了。then, the technician moves the frxs onto a rotating fixture...然后,技术员把框架移动到一个旋转夹具(旋转的固定装置)上.....and welds the corners together.然后再把框角焊实。the frxs are inserted into a brushing machine.随后框架就被插入刷光机中。inside, wire brush rollers allow the aluminum surface to become rough.在机器内部,金属丝刷辊粗糙了铝面框架。this helps the components to adhere to one another.这有助于桌体各个部件彼此粘合。


at the next station,an aluminum sheet is placed on top of the particleboard.镜头:下一工位,在刨花板的顶部放置一块无花铝板。this step completes the plate component assembly.于此道工序板材组件的组装作业就完成了。next, the conveyor loads the jig into a press.接下来,传送带把夹具装入冲压机。once 12 jigs have been loaded onto the press,it heats to 239° Fahrenheit and compresses them for about 10 minutes.12个装载夹具一被加装到印刷机上,就会被加热到239华氏度,将其紧压10分钟。this process activates the adhesive and bonds the components of each plate into a single unit,one frxd plate half.这道工艺激活了粘合剂,把每个板材组件粘合成一个整体单元,即台面的一半。each plate half goes through an automated milling machine.每个单元都要经历自动铣床。the machine trims any excess material from all four sides,to ensure the table won''t have any sharp edges.机器从四个面修整多余的材料,以确保桌子不会有任何锋利的边缘。the plate half goes through a paint machine,then into an oven.在板材单元经历喷漆机之后被送入烤箱。the process repeats,applying a second coat of paint and a UV-resistant clear coat.然后重复这道工艺,喷涂上第二层油漆和防紫外线的透明漆。a machine applies paint through a screen stencil,printing the lines that mark the boundaries of the playing surface.机器是通过网版涂上颜料,打印出标记表面边界的线条的。


the design of this table enables the net to remain in place whether the table is folded for storage or has one or both sides open for playing.而这种德国制造设计的乒乓球桌使得无论是折叠起来存放还是一面打开或双面打开来玩耍,网都能保持在原位。less setup time means more time to play.组装时间越短意味着现代人打球玩乐的时间就越多。

